

Gantt chart


a row is defined as LABEL: FROM > TO where FROM and TO are dates in one of the following formats:

unless domains are defined, see how below.

Start and end dates are inclusive so Thing: 2020-01-01 > 2020-01-02 includes the whole of first, and second, of January. The same if you use months or years.

When only defining one interval, say only the first of January, only one date is sufficient: Thing: 2020-01-01.

LABEL may be omitted, 2020-01-01 > 2020-01-02 is valid, so is 2020-01-01.


Rows may be divided into sections with a line starting with section: (lower case). A section may be labeled as section: LABEL.


To use your own domain instead of dates, define it on the first line like this:

domain: A, B, C, D
section: one
entry 1: A > B
entry 2: B > C
section: two
entry 3: A > C
entry 4: D

to draw a chart like this

ABCDoneentry 1entry 2twoentry 3entry 4